Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Courses
Please check the Calendar and/or Courses Dates for current dates and times for all in-person courses. If you have questions before you register, please call (780) 448-0817 or Toll Free 1-800-330-5999.
For all courses, a $200 deposit ($190.47 + $9.53 GST) will reserve your place, with the balance paid at the door. If you are a Reiki Master/Teacher graduate of the Reiki Training Centre of Canada, you may attend any course to review, with no fee. Please let Anny know you are coming prior to the date of the course.
First Degree - Level 1
The practitioner will be trained to give “hands-on” sessions to others as well as to themselves.
In Japan, this training is given in one day, and includes four attunements to increase the flow of energy through the practitioner’s hands.
To accommodate our western minds, we give the First Degree in one evening and one day. Reiki history and the philosophy behind the system are taught.
​- Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00/5:50 pm
Upon completion, you will receive the First Degree Certificate.
Fee: $393.75 ($375.00 + $18.75 GST)
Second Degree - Level 2
The practitioner learns how to enhance the energy transfer by increasing their focus by means of three Usui Reiki “symbols” as well as do “Distance Healing” for individuals, groups and circumstances. During this one day workshop, Practitioner receives three additional attunements.
As is done in Japan, we recommend the Practitioner takes the First Degree and the Second Degree in one weekend.
The true philosophy of Reiki is as gentle and simple as it is powerful and is comfortable to learn in one weekend. Any First Degree Reiki practitioner may attend this class. When taking Second Degree Reiki only, the student is required to attend the full weekend workshop. Proof of First Degree Reiki will be required.
Upon completion, you will receive the Second Degree Certificate. When you complete the First & Second Degree in one course, you will receive both certificates on completion.

Anny suggests that in order to best practice distance healing when learning Reiki Level 2, ​you bring a teddy bear or stuffed animal of your choice.
*Pre-Requisite: First Degree Reiki
​- Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00/5:50 pm
Fee: $393.75 ($375.00 + $18.75 GST)
Take First & Second Degree courses together and Save!
Combined fee: $598.50 ($570.00 + $28.50 GST)
*a savings of $180.00 + $9.00 GST when taking Reiki Levels 1 & 2 in one weekend!!
Third Degree - Level 3
In this workshop, the practitioner is attuned to and receives the fourth Usui Reiki Symbol, referred to as the “The Master Symbol”. This symbol is the master of the four Usui Symbols, unlocking all doors so to speak, in the same context as a master key opens all locks.
In Japan, this workshop is given in one day, and one has to review the First Degree and Second Degree to be eligible for the Third Degree workshop. Therefore, we give the Third Degree workshop the day following the First Degree and Second Degree workshop so the Practitioner fulfils the reviewing requirements directly prior to attending the Third Degree.
The Third Degree is a profound experience and may be taken when the Second Degree Reiki Student feels ready to continue their training. Proof of Practitioner’s level of Reiki will be required as well as attendance to the full workshop.
Upon completion, you will receive the Third Degree Certificate.
*Pre-Requisite: First & Second Degree Reiki
​- Saturday, Sunday & Monday,
9:00 am to 5:00/5:50 pm
Fee: $393.75 ($375.00 + $18.75 GST)
Master/Teacher Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Training - Level 4
In Japan, a Teacher is referred to as a Master. This practical and “hands on” workshop starts with learning to give attunements and then learning to conduct Traditional Japanese Reiki classes by assisting in a First, Second and Third Degree Traditional Japanese Reiki workshop. A manual with detailed instruction will be supplied.
The Reiki Master/Teacher, part 2 or completion is taught in two parts:
During the three first days of the Master/Teacher training, information on Reiki as taught and practiced in North America and on Tibetan Reiki will be given, as well as information on the Reiki Alliance and other Reiki organizations, teaching attunements and much more.
- 9:00 am to 5:00/5:30 pm each day
After a well deserved day off, the training shifts into the “hands-on” part. The second part is the practicum, assisting in a First, Second and Third Degree classroom, experiencing teaching Reiki classes.
- Saturday, Sunday and Monday 9:00 am to 5:00/5:50 pm
*Pre-Requisite: First, Second & Third Degree Reiki. (PLEASE NOTE: The Third Degree Reiki must have been taken at the Reiki Training Centre of Canada)
Upon completing this workshop, having assisted in a First, Second and Third Degree Traditional Japanese Reiki workshop the Reiki Masters/Teachers are qualified and able to successfully conduct their own workshops if they so choose. Much support is available as well as reviews and updates.
Fee: $1,664.25 ($1,585.00 + $79.25 GST)

Course Dates
(March/April 2025 & September/October 2025)
The Reiki courses for March/April 2025 are as follows:
Reiki - Level 1
Sat, Apr 5 (9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 2
(includes a Review of Level 1)
*proof of Level 1 required
Sun, Apr 6
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 3
Master/Teacher, Part 1
(includes a Review of Levels 1 & 2)
*proof of Levels 1 & 2 required
Mon, Apr 7
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 4
Master/Teacher, Part 2
*pre-requisite: having taken Reiki, Level 3 with Reiki Master/Teacher Anny Slegten
Course: Mon-Wed, Mar 31 - Apr 2
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
followed by
Practicum: assisting Anny and learning to give Reiki classes,
Apr 5-7 (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
(this is the reason you see 'Reiki 1+4', 'Reiki 2+4' and 'Reiki 3+4' on the Calendar)
The Reiki courses for September/October 2025 are as follows:
Reiki - Level 1
Sat, Oct 4 (9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 2
(includes a Review of Level 1)
*proof of Level 1 required
Sun, Oct 5
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 3
Master/Teacher, Part 1
(includes a Review of Levels 1 & 2)
*proof of Levels 1 & 2 required
Mon, Oct 6
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
Reiki - Level 4
Master/Teacher, Part 2
*pre-requisite: having taken Reiki, Level 3 with Reiki Master/Teacher Anny Slegten
Course: Mon-Wed, Sep 29 - Oct 1
(9:00am - 5/5:30pm)
followed by
Practicum: assisting Anny and learning to give Reiki classes,
Oct 4-6 (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
(this is the reason you see 'Reiki 1+4', 'Reiki 2+4' and 'Reiki 3+4' on the Calendar)
Workshop Fees
Workshop fees include detailed instruction manuals and the awarding of certificates. Advance registration is recommended. A deposit of $200 will reserve your place.
Traditional Japanese Reiki is practiced and taught. During the Master/Teacher Training, information on methods from other schools will also be shared with the students. Assisting in an actual Traditional Japanese Reiki First, Second and Third degree class to part of the training.
In true Japanese tradition, the students receive four attunements during the First Degree workshop and three attunements during the Second Degree workshop. Occasionally working together, Reiki Masters/Teachers pool their resources when holding workshops for larger groups of up to forty students, with an average ration of one Reiki Master/Teacher per four students.
In Japan, since what we call Reiki symbols are pictograms familiar to them, First and Second Degree Reiki workshops are given in two consecutive days, from 10 am to 5 pm. After much consideration, it was decided to extend the workshop by one evening to give our western minds time to understand the concepts of Reiki.
Please note: Third Degree (or Level 3) Reiki taken with us is the prerequisite to our Reiki Master/Teacher Training Certification Program.
Upon completion you will be given a Master/Teacher Certification & Registration.
A newly graduated Reiki practitioner proudly receiving her well-deserved
Hi Anny! Thank you so much for
the beautiful week together and
for the many teachings I now
carry in my heart!
Love & Blessings, C.
Saludos/Best Regards